I’ve been painting for most of my life, always trying to find new ideas and new ways. Modern, painterly, spontaneous, alive, any subject but mostly landscape. My goal in life is to paint murals.
I’ve been a musician, sign-painter, professor, but painting has always been a platform. Now I write and paint most of all. I’m always after lush colors, movement and lots of life. Lately I have been layering many of the styles I’ve found in the past in the same canvas, so titles can get rather long, like, “Gothic Cathedral Stained-glass Window Lights Walk,” but it’s mostly for fun, or I wouldn’t do it. I do take commissions for portraits, (people, pets, and houses), but especially for murals, but I also do decorating, faux-finishes and trompe-l’ouil, as well as furniture. I am very fast, neat and discrete; please call for a chat. 508-282-9826.
All images copyright Anthony George
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