The Franklin Art Association was established in 1971 to provide a forum for the promotion of visual arts; for the preservation of the finest artistic traditions by means of exhibiting works, conducting classes, lectures, and sponsoring other activities favorable to artistic expression and to provide friendly exchanges among painters, photographers and those interested in the fine arts.
Important Announcement
March 5th FAA Meeting Location Change
Due to construction work at our normal meeting venue, the Franklin Senior Center, the March 5th FAA meeting will be held at the Franklin Historical Musem on 80 West Street, Franklin MA. Meeting time remains the same, 6:30 PM.
Christine West, a mixed media artist will demo how she makes her materials and how she composes her collages.
April 2nd Meeting – Kristina Occhino
Meet Kristina Occhino, our painter for April’s public demonstration. She will be giving a talk about her work and a demonstration of her watercolor technique.
She has a Bachelors degree in Studio Art from Skidmore College and a MFA degree from Rhode Island School of Design. She has membership in Foxboro Art Association, the New England Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is an Artist Member of Cape Cod Art Center, Northeast Watercolor Society and the RI Watercolor Society.
A much sought after instructor, Kris currently teaches painting at the Attleboro Arts Museum and in her Treetop Studio in Attleboro. Her work can be seen at True Grit Art Gallery – Home in Middleboro, MA.
As a painter, she feels constantly drawn to the beauty of seascapes, landscapes, marine life and scenes of working boats and harbor life.
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Franklin Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill St, Franklin, MA (directions), with a short business meeting starting at 6:30 followed by the featured presentation. FAA welcomes the public and it’s members to attend. Refreshments are served at the break.
FAA meetings are free and open to the public.
Be sure to also check out some of our videos at
Upcoming Events / Important Dates
- Saturday, March 29th, 10-11 AM: Dropoff for the Spring Norfolk Library exhibit. No pre-registration required.
- Wednesday, April 2nd: FAA monthly meeting with a watercolor demo by Kris Occhino.
- Thursday, April 10th, 6:30-8:30 PM: Opening for Spring Norfolk Library exhibit.
- Saturday, April 26th, 10:00-11:00 AM: Pickup for Spring Norfolk Library exhibit.
- Saturday, May 25th: Registration deadline for Fakes & Forgeries exhibit.
- Friday, June 6th, 10:00-11:00 AM: Dropoff for Fakes & Forgeries exhibit.
- Saturday, June 7th 12:00-6:00 PM: Opening of Fakes & Forgeries exhibit. Volunteers needed for setup: Sign up here to volunteer for setup or other show tasks.
- Sunday, June 22nd, 4:00 PM: Pickup for Fakes & Forgeries exhibit.

A Taste of Our Members’ Art

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Thank You to our Many Generous Sponsors!